Focus on advancing the work on the priorities of the G20 sustainable development agenda, by increasing synergies with other G20 tracks and preparing the discussions for the upcoming Ministerial Sessions at the end of June.

The Development Working Group (DWG) met for the second time on May 24th and 25th under the G20 Italian Presidency. The meeting was attended by delegates from G20 members, invited countries and representatives from international and regional organisations.
The two-day meeting, chaired by Amb. Marco Ricci, gave G20 members the opportunity to discuss the state of play of the work done by the Thematic Groups on the two priority areas identified by the Italian Presidency: 1) Financing for Sustainable Development, 2) Territorial Development and SDGs Localisation, as well as on the empowerment of women and youth for an inclusive recovery and the “One Health Approach”.
G20 delegations conveyed their support and welcomed the progress made on the deliverables. The thematic discussions are proving very useful to facilitate the advancement of the DWG agenda, thanks to the contributions of developing countries, international organisations, civil society organisations, G20 engagement groups and other stakeholders.
In the opening session, the Group welcomed a keynote intervention by professor Olivier De Schutter, UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, who highlighted the importance of social protection systems to build an inclusive recovery and reduce vulnerabilities in developing countries.
During the thematic sessions on Financing Sustainable Development and on the Localisation of the SDGs and the role of Intermediary Cities, G20 delegates welcomed the opportunity to exchange views with representatives of the Italian Presidency from other G20 work streams (i.e. Sustainable Finance WG, Finance Track, Energy Transition and Climate Sustainability WGs, Digital Economy Task Force, Environment Deputies Meeting, Agriculture Deputies Group). These interventions provided fruitful opportunities to increase information sharing and develop synergies across G20 work streams, and to ensure coherence on the G20 Action Plan on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Finally, the Group discussed the state of play and next steps towards the Ministerial Sessions to be held at the end of June.
On June 29 in Matera, the G20 Foreign Affairs and Development Ministers will adopt the Matera Declaration on food security, with the aim to strengthen international efforts to contain the effects of the pandemic on lives and livelihoods and to build a sustainable and inclusive future for all. On the same day, the first ever G20 Ministerial Session on Development will be a unique opportunity for G20 Development Ministers to develop key political messages, which will also serve as inputs for the Leaders’ Summit. The Ministerial Event on Humanitarian Assistance to be held in Brindisi on June 30th will be organised in partnership with WFP to discuss the role of logistics in response to the Covid-19 pandemic and to build resilience to future humanitarian and health crises.