Annual update

In 2020, the DWG decided to merge the Annual Update on the G20 Action Plan on the 2030 Agenda and the DWG Accountability Report into one document, while indicating the differences in nature, purpose, and scope of the two parts.

The 2020 Annual Update on G20 Development Commitments (AU) tracks progress of development commitments made by G20 leaders over the previous years. It builds on the 2019 Comprehensive Accountability Report (CAR) by reporting on the progress made on the open active commitments.

The Riyadh Update aims to highlight the emerging issues that have an impact on sustainable development and the G20 working groups and streams’ contribution to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda in the “Decade of Action”. The Riyadh Update is a living document and follows a common structure for reporting G20 collective actions towards sustainable development.