Thematic Group on Territorial Development and SDGs localisation

Under the Italian Presidency, the Thematic Group on Territorial Development and SDGs localisation was chaired by Troika – South Africa and met three times:

Dates of the meetings

  • First meeting 24.03.21
  • Second meeting 29.04.21
  • Third meeting 07.06.21


The Italian Presidency involved a wide range of development actors and main stakeholders with the aim to leverage the expertise of G20 members, relevant international organizations, and partner countries as well as share experiences of intermediary cities and local authorities in the development of partnerships and programs for the SDGs.

The meetings were attended by DWG experts, international organizations (OECD, FAO, WFP, UNHABITAT, ILO, UNIDO), regional organizations (ASEAN and ECLAC), multilateral development banks (World Bank Group, Islamic Development Bank), and G20 Engagement Groups (B20, C20, T20, U20, W20, Y20). Specific experiences of G20 and partner countries and organizations experiences on these themes were shared by the Italian Agency for International Cooperation, the United States, Singapore, Argentina, Brazil, the municipality of Milan, Mayor of Chefchaouen (Morocco), Mayor of Dori (Burkina Faso) and the County Executive Committee Member (CECM), Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries
(County Government of Nakuru, Kenya) as well as UCLG, ICLEI Africa, and Cities Alliances.

The TWG on Territorial Development and SDGs localization focused on the following components of the DWG deliverable:

  1. G20 platform on SDGs Localisation and Intermediary Cities: programme of work
    The G20 Platform on SDGs Localisation and Intermediary Cities (G20-PLIC) will operate as a collaborative space for peer dialogue, knowledge sharing, capacity building and consensus building on effective approaches to SDG localisation and the strengthening of intermediary cities and rural-urban linkages. 
  1. G20 Rome High Level Principles and Compendium of good policy practices and inspiring examples to promote intermediary city-to-city partnerships for the SDGs
    These principles take into account the diversity of intermediary cities across G20 and partner countries and will be used by the G20 Platform to develop a Compendium, a living document, which will support G20 members and interested cities to increase the effectiveness and impact of city-to-city partnerships by providing good policy practices and inspiring examples.