2nd G20 Development Working Group Meeting Under Indonesian G2O Presidency

Virtual meeting — 24-25 May 2022

The Second Development Working Group (DWG) meeting under Indonesia’s G20 Presidency was held on 24-25 May 2022 in Yogyakarta and was attended by a total of 97 delegates consisting of G20 member countries, invited countries, and 14 International Organizations and Multilateral Development Banks. 13 G20 member countries (including Indonesia as the host) were present in Yogyakarta, and 7 other G20 member countries were present virtually.

Building on the result of the First DWG Meeting, within the two-days meeting, the delegates focused on advancing the work for each deliverables. On Day 1, DWG discussed the Zero Draft of the outcome document for Priority I that aims to strengthen Recovery from the COVID-19 Pandemic and ensuring Resilience, as well as the Zero Draft for Priority II outcome document on scaling up Private and Blended Finance Implementation for Sustainable Development. With the discussion of both priorities focused on Developing Countries, Least Developed Countries, and Small Island Developing States.

On Day 2, discussions on the outlines of Priority III and IV outcome documents were raised respectively. The delegates shared their inputs on the discussion of Renewing Global Commitment to Multilateralism for Sustainable Development. The legacy and tradition in coordinating the SDGs Achievements Progress in the G20 and Updating on the G20 Development Commitment through DWG accountability document also gained plenty of support from the delegates. Afterward, the delegates of 2nd DWG Meeting were given the chance to engage with the Co-Sherpa and relevant G20 working groups in ensuring the alignment across working groups.

Prior to the Second DWG Meeting, two side events were conducted on 23 May. The day began with a seminar themed “Strengthening MSMEs Productivity, Competitiveness and Resilience in Facing Future Shocks Post COVID-19 Pandemics in Developing Countries, LDCs and SIDS” with expert speakers ranging from academicians to practitioners and followed by a seminar on “Scale-up Blended Finance and Private Finance to Reach the Last Mile”. Both of the seminars were aiming to provide background knowledge and engage with experts from the relevant field. Therefore, the insights will enrich the discussion on the DWG Meeting to be factual, actual and contextual.

Side events highlights: