1st Development Working Group Meeting under Indian G20 presidency

India convened the first Development Working Group meeting from 13th to16th December, 2022 in Mumbai. The Indian Presidency has invited the largest number of developing countries as guest countries and is following a wide consultative process to further align the development agenda and issues of common concern, especially to the developing countries, in the G20 agenda. Delegates from G20 countries, guest countries including Bangladesh, Egypt, Mauritius, Netherlands, Singapore, Spain, and UAE, and international organisations viz. Asian Development Bank (ADB), International Labour Organisation (ILO), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Office of the Secretary-General’s Envoy on Technology (OSET), and United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), United Nations Development Programme  and World Bank, were present for the in person meeting.

Key areas of discussion included accelerating progress on Sustainable Development Goals including digital transformation, just green transitions, women-led development as cross-cutting areas, impact of current disruptions in food, energy and financial markets, bottlenecks to financing SDGs and the importance of enhancing coordination with UN; data for development, Lifestyle for Environment and the 2023 New Delhi Annual Update.

The first Development Working Group meeting under India’s G20 Presidency was preceded by side events held on 13th December, 2022 in the city of Mumbai. The themes for the side events were Data for Development and Lifestyle for Environment (LiFE). Domain experts and relevant international organisations led panel discussions.  The events witnessed active engagement from the youth and subject enthusiasts and successfully set the stage for discussion on India’s priorities, contributing to deliberations during the ensuing DWG meeting.

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